Monday, February 19, 2024
8:00 PM
The link to the video is here:
The slide deck can be downloaded here.
- Rob Booth from the Good Party joined us this month to talk about his organization and the tools that they provide to independent and third-party candidates. They try to provide these services as close as possible to free.
- Website:
- Discord:
- We then turned to what the Pennsylvania Forward Party is doing for the 2024 elections.
- We are going to be running two statewide candidates this year. These candidates will be announced at events during the last week of March. We hope that you will be able to join us for their launch.
- Additionally, the Candidate Committee has been working to determine which State House Seats are our best targets. These targets are not intended to be exclusive—if you want to run for a state house, please contact us.
- We also hope to endorse & affiliate with several candidates for the US Congress & PA Senate. These are candidates from the major parties who share our values and priorities.
- If you would like to participate in our next candidate committee meeting, it is this Wednesday (February 21st) at 8:00 PM using this link:
- Southeast Region
- Recently, Kyle DeMarino, one of the founding members of Pennsylvania Forward Party & chair of the Southeast Region had a change in his work schedule and could no longer serve as the Regional Chair. With this loss, we now have a vacancy for this region’s chair.
- Jack Merrit & Rachel Shanock have been spearheading the task of filling this vacancy and they are still accepting nominations—including self-nominations.
- Convention—additionally, our Bylaws state that we need to have a convention this year.
- The bylaws state that we need to elect our State Chair at this convention.
- As with the Southeast Regional Chair, we are going to be accepting nominations—including self-nominations—for this position.
- Do note that the State Chair is the most demanding position in the Pennsylvania Forward Party.
- We have only started to plan this convention. So far we have only decided that we would like to hold it in Gettysburg and that it should be shortly after the primaris.
- If you would like to participate in planning this convention, join us for our next convention planning meeting on February 27th at 8:00 PM using this link:
- Leap Forward
- Finally, one of our leaders, Peter Knight, came up with the idea of having multiple events across Pennsylvania on Leap Day, February 29th.
- If you can please join us at:
- The Station Taphouse in Doylestown, PA
- Uptown Works Coworking Center in Somerset, PA
- Dancing Gnome Brewery in the Sharpsburg Neighborhood of Pittsburgh
- Associated with these events, we are asking you to make a donation to us in a multiple of 29. Your contribution will help us pay for our convention.
- Please use this link to donate:
- As with the Southeast Regional Chair, we are going to be accepting nominations—including self-nominations—for this position.
- The bylaws state that we need to elect our State Chair at this convention.
If you are interested in volunteering with another committee, other than the ones mentioned tonight, we are always looking help with:
Fundraising: Every Wednesday at 5:00 PM
Note that this week, February 21st might be cancelled.
Communications: Every Thursday at 3:00 PM
We still also have our Drop-in calls on Mondays at 11:30 AM
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