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Welcome to the Nevada Forward Party Community!
We are on a mission to foster a new kind of politics – one that doesn’t focus on whether you are left, right or center, but on innovation, inclusivity, and forward-thinking policy solutions.
It's a pivotal moment in our journey to redefine the political landscape, and we are REVVING UP to prepare for the 2024 election cycle! We're working hard to create meaningful change to Nevada, and we need YOU to help make it happen!
Register for the Forward Party
and join our growing community of like-minded members who want to make a positive impact in Nevada!
Join at Upcoming Events
that we have planned across Nevada, including an exciting opportunity to attend a fundraiser on:
Thursday, July 6th at 6PM
Andrew Yang!
to help us fund the infrastructure and resources that will be crucial to making an undeniable impact in the upcoming 2024 election cycle!
Sign Up
to learn more about our mission to redefine the political landscape, and get the latest news and updates on the exciting plans we’re working on to move Nevada FORWARD!
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petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
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petition signature
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petition signature
petition signature
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petition signature