When March 08, 2023 at 7:00pm Central Time (US & Canada) 1 hr
Contact Forward Illinois [email protected] 303-570-9577

Wednesday, March 8th, 7:00pm - 8:00pm

At this meeting, we will cover:

  • The reorganization and resurgence achieved at our recent Forward IL summit

  • Our 90 day path to elect an Executive Committee and become a certified Illinois Political Party

  • Your role in directing and participating in the future of Forward IL


Now is the perfect time to get involved! 

Over the next few weeks, actions and decisions made by supporters like you will put into motion plans that will shape the future of Forward IL. If you're ready to help us take the next steps on this journey to bring a new era of politics to Illinois, please click "Send RSVP" to get the Zoom link in your e-mail.

Will you come?