November 09, 2022 at 6:30pm
1 hr 30 mins
Join us for an educational presentation and discussion with Felix Sargent, the Chair of the Board of Directors at the Center for Election Science. This is the third in a series of educational events focused on Alternative Voting Methods and how they could improve our elections.
This presentation will include:
- An introduction to Approval Voting and the voting experience
- The benefits of Approval Voting compared to the current plurality system
- Potential weaknesses of Approval Voting and how to mitigate them
- Lesson to learn from failed implementations of Approval
- Approval's use for internal party elections, including appropriate poll instruments
- Approval''s progress in adoption in Colorado/other states
- Challenges facing its adoption and implementation
- Time for Q&A
Zoom link for the event: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82437125812?pwd=WjVzWnkySXVpT1ZKM2UyUXNCTkJYdz09
We look forward to seeing you there!
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