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Colorado Forward Party
Proposed Priorities
Below is an unordered list of proposed Colorado state priorities. This list is not final, simply a captured list of current proposals.
Voice in Voting
Foster a state that cares about the opinions and choices of its citizens by providing as much latitude and voice as possible for their votes. Vote your beliefs, not your strategy.
Coloradans Choose Colorado Representatives
Encourage a democracy that is free from outside influence and interference and allows Coloradans to be the sole deciders of their electorate.
Secure Housing
Create a state where every Coloradan has access to safe, stable, and dependable housing for themselves and their family within range of the necessities of daily life.
Empowering Schools
Foster a schooling system where every student is welcomed, taught the skills they need to reach their full potential, and empowered with confidence and knowledge to live a happy and healthy life.
Systemic National Reform Leader
Participating in the Convention of the States movement, shaping Constitutional reform, and ratifying Article the First, returning Congress to the Founders' intent.
Effective, Modern Government
Develop new processes in government to take advantage of the capabilities of the Information Age and upgrade our government's tools to effectively leverage technology.
Safe and Healthy People
Promote policies that ensure access to physical and mental health resources, affordable housing, and freedom from hate and violence.
Improve our Education System
Provide greater resources, recognition, and compensation for our teachers.
Hearing All Voices
Ask all people from all parts of Colorado what their issues and needed solutions are. We have more in common than different.
Support Our Communities
Support all of our communities, rural and urban. Offer solutions that balance the needs of different communities and welcome new people to our communities.
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