Friends and Forward PA Donors,
Since May:

  • Our state party has incorporated. We Have our own Bank
    account with PNC.
  • Eleven (11) candidates and officials have affiliated with us!
  • Those 11 candidates are running in 10 Counties! We encourage
    you to consider voting for them.
  • We are building the team and need your engagement. Your Time;
    Your Talent; and Your Treasure.

We have also joined with twelve (12) other key states to focus critical attention of
Forward Party activity in the nation. Pennsylvania is actively participating in
nationwide states leadership in Finance, Leadership and Fundraising.

The eleven candidates and officials represent ten (10) different counties. Five (5) are
from the Southeast Region, two (2) are from the Capitol Region, and two (2) are from
the Southwest Region.
We have sixteen (16) County Organizers and encourage you to become involved in
your county and statewide.
This year, we have raised over $14,500 from 45 individual donors. The average gift is
$322.00. And we are encouraged that seven (7) of the donors are recurring monthly
donors. These individuals have joined our “Ben Valiant Initiative” by making monthly
donations. Ben was the first!
The fundraising task group requests your participation in telling our Forward Story in
you community and considering a gift according to your interest and capacity. We know
that many Pennsylvanians share our desire for thriving communities and a more vibrant
Please consider joining one of our Giving Clubs for making a commitment through
December of 2024. Club levels are $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 (Eagles Club).
You can pay the pledge over up to two years, or tell us how many years at the Eagles
Club level.
Over the next month you will be seeing a number of ways to learn about Forward PA
and support the work as your valuable time allows.
You can donate at:

Please direct any suggestions, offers or questions to Jaz Sockman
([email protected]) or to Timothy P. Snyder ([email protected]; 412-977-5742).