When December 03, 2022 at 11:30am 6 hrs
Where Robert H. Mollohan Research Center 1000 Galliher Drive Room 232, Fairmont, WV 26554, United States
Contact Crystal Thornebrooke

Join us for a workshop that brings together rural West Virginians and urban DC-area residents for moderated activities and structured discussions that reduce stereotyped thinking, clarify disagreements, build relationships, and find common ground through listening and learning rather than declaring and debating. RSVP here

The goals of the workshop are:

  • To better understand the experiences and beliefs of people living in a different environment and community from us.
  • To seek out areas of common ground in addition to acknowledging and respecting differences.
  • To gain insights that might help to heal the increasing polarization in our nation.

This workshop is organized by the We The People project of Braver Angels, with support from the West Virginia and metropolitan DC-area Braver Angels alliances.

Questions? Contact

Len Breslow at [email protected]


Gary Levine at [email protected]