Arkansas State Leadership Positions

Location:  Anywhere in Arkansas

Time Requested:  20 hours per month average 

Hi there, and welcome to the State Leadership Application for the Arkansas Forward Party.

We're in the process of identifying and empowering leaders across the country.

That said, being a State Lead is no easy task, and requires a serious commitment of time and energy. Submit this form only if you have 5+ hours of time to dedicate per week. It's also worth noting that this is an unpaid volunteer position.

All state leads will need to sign both the Code of Conduct and the Volunteer Pledge. Those documents can be found here.

Responsibilities include:

  • Growing the community of Forward volunteers in your state
  • Recruiting candidates and current office holders to run, switch or affiliate as Forwardists 
  • Establishing and building both a statewide and county leadership structure comprising of elected Executive Committees (ECs)
  • Supporting the formation of a strategic plan informed by a budget/fundraising plan
  • Building an outreach team to respond to new members of your community, new volunteer signups and new donors, with the intention of turning them into ongoing volunteers, candidate recruiters, recurring donors, and local leaders
  • Facilitating events and meetups to grow a sense of community among existing activists and bring in more potential volunteers and candidates
  • Creating civic engagement programs to encourage volunteerism and community service in local areas around your state

The Forward HQ team and other Arkansas Forward Party state leaders will support you with materials, technology and information to make sure you're in a position to succeed.

Thank you so much for your interest, and you can expect to hear from us soon.

***Please note that while the role of a Forward Party State Leader may seem to require a daunting amount of skills and responsibilities, this is a volunteer position, and it is meant to be enjoyable, rewarding and engaging.  As part of a team, it is expected that some members will be stronger in some areas than others, and our newly developing party needs as much help as we can get right now to fill in all the gaps.  Again, extensive training and guidance will be provided.  So we encourage anyone who has interest in this volunteer opportunity to apply and to expect to receive a prompt response from us!

Will you volunteer?