What kind of things do you need to know? I have one working eye and therefore can’t drive, I’m autistic and therefore have to actively think about things that neurotypical people seem to just “get”, I’ve been emotionally numb for a while, except for the occasional short-lived sadness/anger at the gradual destruction of our planet, and the fact I can’t do much to stop it, emotions last for maybe a second or so, are intense, but then they just turn off, in school I was not the most social person, class after class, focusing on learning more than socializing, I took a Western Civ class in high school, learned about how wars shaped our world, and how various things, such as nationality, religion, ideology, etc. was used to “justify” various wars, I remember learning about the hole in the ozone before I was in high school, light pollution, noise pollution, and later learning about the worldwide treaty to stop using HFcs, the eventual filling of the ozone layer, learing about global warming, later in high school, while learning on the internet, I learned that long before fossil fuels became the main source of power, scientists were warning of the long term impacts, of course companies didn’t listen, for they only care about profits above all else. The fact society seems to care about infinite profits on a finite world, we are doomed to fail, there needs to be change and we need to make it fast before everythign collapses, as I write this, m eyes water, but I can’t find what emotion this is, I’m sore if I just think word by word, whatever it was will fade, I want to make a difference, but I don’t know how, I don’t get as many emotions as other people seem to get, so it’s hard to think like other people, I try, but I just keep thinking “wh aren’t people thinking long term?” I was good at my classes from K-12, however, in college I began to falter, I failed, I withdrew. I felt like what I was learning wouldn’t help when society breaks. Now that COVID is thought to be over people return to what they’ve done before, we won’t learn from the mistakes of our past, we are doomed to repeat our failures, the current people in power seem to not care for history. If we don’t learn from our past, we are doomed to a cycle of failure. With more weapons being made, and more wars continuing to take place, where will we be? I watched “Rules for Rulers” and learned about why things are as they are, everyone’s after power and money is the way, so even if one were to try and lead benevolently, their key supporters might not be so good at heart…I don’t know what kind of self details ou want from me or how much of this is useful to you to understand the kinds of thoughts that I have nearly every day. I don’t know if I’ll be able to lead, can’t change anything without power and getting power requires the things that I hate, the reason politicians don’t tell the truth is because that’s not people want to hear, they want to hear their thought echoed at them from on high…we have biases, cognitive shortcuts we all take, I wish there was a way to delete them, a way to ensure what we think is the truth, a way to ensure a lie is not hidden somewhere in belief, if I want to lead honestly, I have to look for flaws in my understanding, I have to learn psychology and sociology, politics is a game of manipulating psychology to make people think what you want them to think so you can remain…I don’t like that game, but power is wanted then that’s the game we have to play, locked into…a loop, the names, the borders will change, people as a whole are largely the same, the problems that cause splits are still there…as long as there’s disagreement, there is an exploit somewhere someone can use, there is a saying, power corrupts, I fear what may become of me “absolute power corrupts absolutely” how will we prevent the failures that befell others, how will we know what we think is right will continue to be so, how will we know when we need to get updated on what the people really want? What caues people in power to lose touch with their citizens, how will we prevent such a thing from happening? I don’t know what details you want, the question was vague, I hope tis answer is useful to you