Mini Snap Shot Resume of J.T. (James T.) Ramelis with political emphasis
I want to work for the Forward Party because I understand the duopoly of the Republican and Democratic Parties have become toxic. Our two party political system no longer works. Its time for change. I am a retiree with energy and time. I would like to be of service to the community and humanity.
Political experience includes :Serving on the Engadine Michigan School Board, where I was elected once, defeated once, and appointed to the Board twice because of a vacancy, I was on the Hiawatha Behavioral Health Board, appointed by the Mackinac County Board of Commissioners, was appointed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm to the Mackinac County Department of Human Services Board, and reappointed by the Mackinac County Board of County Commissioners after Gov. Snyder terminated all of Gov. Granholm’s appointments when their terms expired. He was Chair of the Mackinac County DHS Board for a time. I coordinated my efforts as a church pastor and DHS board member and helped open two food pantries in Northern Michigan and secured help and benefits for the poor and underserved.
I was an elected Precinct delegate for the Democratic Party, both in Mackinac and Livingston County, was briefly co-Chair of the Mackinac County Democratic Party, and worked for several different candidates, either as a Democrat or for Move On, including door to door canvasing for Barack Obama in 2008. He was “snow birding” in Florida in 2016 and worked on the Bernie Sanders campaign that winter. I am a graduate of the Michigan Progressive Leadership organization and attended some Wellstone Political Organizing seminars.
My wife Paula and I live in Tyrone Township, Livingston County, which is in the Fenton area. We are about an hour from Detroit and Lansing, and about a half an hour from Flint and Ann Arbor. We have three adult children.
I am an honorably discharged U.S. Army veteran, serving just over two years in the Army with a 13-month tour in Vietnam. I was a Personnel Specialist and for three months a Social Worker in a drug amnesty ward on a large safe base. I do not suffer from PTSD.
I went to Wayne State University, Monteith College, in Detroit, for three years and wrote for the college newspaper. I completed a B.A. at California State, at Bakersfield in 1982with a major in Philosophy, a concentration in Religious Studies, and a minor in Sociology. I have a post-graduate Pastoral Certificate from Dubuque Theological Seminary. I have all sorts of Certificates of Training in Mental Health, Counseling, Spirituality, and Firefighting.
I primarily worked for governmental agencies for 30 years. I was mostly a Firefighter, Social Worker, and Counselor. Fortunately, after all that job hopping, enough of it was with the State of Michigan and Luce County Michigan that I got a couple of pensions!
In later life I was a church pastor for the First Presbyterian Church of Munising Michigan. I was a substitute in the pulpit for many years and an interim pastor for churches looking for a pastor. I am also connected with various Interfaith Groups. I am on the Interfaith Leadership Council of Metro Detroit.
I am currently a District Lead for Michigan and hope you will include me for additional training. Peace
Jim “J.T.” Ramelis
12212 White Lake Road
Fenton Michigan 48430
906-287-0538, jramelis022@gmail.