When April 01, 2023 at 10:00am Central Time (US & Canada) 1 hr
Where Virtual Event
Contact Jon M. Ramirez [email protected] 3162850691

This will be the first meeting of all those Kansans who have expressed interest in the Forward Party (forwardparty.com).  I will provide an update of what is occurring at the national level.  We will start initial discussions of how this possibly translates to the state level and local levels.  Prior to the event, I will provide an agenda to help us to stay on task for our initial meeting.  Please click here to register.  Please feel free to share the registration link with others who may be interested in what we are trying to accomplish across the nation.

Jon M. Ramirez, MSEd

Forward Kansas State Lead

[email protected]

(316) 285-0691

Wichita Metro Area

Will you come?