And since I’ve already written anyway, my answers to the questions:
(And sorry-in-advance for the long read!)
● Your name and where you’re from: Joe T. from the Philippines.
● “I am Forward because…”: Many of the Forward Party’s platform-stances are exactly what we need: Washington
MUST be purged/overhauled, and the election-solutions in the Forwardist platform give the electorate more/better choices, increasing the chances that the replacement-targets’ successors aren’t their peers. Plus, the other benefits (automatic tax-filing, data as a property-right, civic juries, etc.) are genius!
Any of the following:
● What’s wrong with today’s politics? The 2 complacent, entitled major-parties dominate the ruling-apparatus, the media, and election-laws, etc. Instead of a multi-party proportional-representation system, it’s a 2-party, winner-take-all focused on 1-party tyrannical domination (in fear of the other’s inevitable takeover & retaliation). Fear, anger, bitterness, resentment are cultivated and harnessed by politicians, the “journalists” who report on them, and the media-algorithms set to lock citizens into their own bubbles. False dichotomies are presented on election days, with all other options rendered “unelectable” by media & eventually the masses, who (insanely) voluntarily vote themselves & the Union back into the self-destructive system they themselves hate!
● How do you feel about the government? The Federal government is bloated, ever-growing, in severe need of budget-cuts & transition to zero-base budgeting, and overly obsessed with geopolitics, regime-change, and wars abroad… than in fixing the problems at home afflicting the voting citizenry. Even more embarrassingly, they still
FAIL in their focus: Russia (whose
SMALLER than Texas’s) is beating Washington, all of N.A.T.O., and Western allies outside Europe, having liberated all of Lugansk from Kiev’s forces, and only has to do the same in Donetsk to win its publicly-stated objectives (
PLUS they got Zaporizhzhia & Kherson, leading to Crimea as a bonus!). How‽ Remember the $640 hammers, $7622 coffee-makers, $1.1mil desktop-printers, the F-35 that costs U.S. taxpayers about $1TRIL
EACH, all those tanks & other equipment Congress buys that the Pentagon says it doesn’t need dumped in desert-bases, etc.? And that’s
JUST the Department of Defense, which had yet to pass an audit. How about the rest of government? How much more are we taxpayers forced to needlessly finance at law-enforcement’s gunpoint when we struggle to make a living? And (obvious) taxes are just the beginning! The U.N. agency International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) wrote about this in “The Liquidation of Government Debt” in 2015.
Their prescription to governments worldwide? “Financial Repression”! (
THEIR words, not mine: “Financial repression is most successful in liquidating debt when accompanied by inflation.”) Inflation isn’t a bug. It’s a
FEATURE, another way to drain US dry, to pay for
THEIR spending!
And that’s just finances. Consider the trend from 9/11 to the
COVID global lockdowns (de-facto house-arrest orders) & the legal-precedents these create. Remember also the militarization of the police, who still enjoy civil asset forfeiture & qualified immunity? Are we in 2022 freer than back in 2019 or 2000? It’s like law-enforcement’s staffing-problems are the only thing stopping us from racing to a police-state!
Washington’s politicians, bureaucrats, and their cronies & buddies benefit from this, and will not fix what keeps them happy, wealthy, and in power… at our expense.
● What three words would you use to describe what America needs the most right now? Election-Overhaul
● What can we do to find solutions to the problems facing Americans today? Research and find solutions in other democracies. It was odd for me back in early 2010’s fighting for budget-cuts in Washington, only to see substantive budget-cuts & zero-base budgeting passing
THE PH, and
THAT republic benefiting
MASSIVELY, but not the U.S. Now, Manila is doing the same thing
AGAIN: The incoming Department of Information & Communications Technology (D.I.C.T.)-head announced plans for essentially a Citizen’s Portal open 24/7 wherever there’s Internet. The Hell‽ Why is this only in 1-way‽