Michele Wirth

Total Recruits: 0
I am a small business owner, wife and mother of three grown children.
Michele Wirth's Profile

I felt like I'd been holding my breath these past several years...and I was dreading the closer we were coming to another election.  I have never really fit into a party.  I don't like politics because for as long as I could remember, it was always about someone being right and someone being wrong, and it's always a big tug-war that snaps in the middle, and no one benefits.  We are capable of so much more.  Supporting Business doesn't have to mean neglecting people.  Disagreeing doesn't have to mean it's war until one of us wins.  If everyone is truly in this thing for the right reasons....for the honest pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, and for the betterment of the people of this great country, then winning a battle will never be as important as finding meaningful solutions that work for everyone.  I am tired of the kind of politics that just aims to divide.  It's due time for those of us who can see beyond ourselves come together to help move this country through the muck and forward to great things ahead - for us all.  

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