Welcome to the Oregon chapter of the Forward Party!
Who are we? We are citizens, neighbors, everyday Americans with 9-5 jobs who care about our communities and think that we as a nation and a state can do better. We are small but growing! We have thousands of supporters across Oregon, and each state has its own chapter with their own policy priorities. But we all are guided by our National Principles and Values.
What do we stand for? We believe in honest dialog, free speech, equal opportunity, and evidence-based policies. We believe issues are best addressed at a local level. We believe in a bottom-up government. We support anti-corruption laws.
What are we doing? We are endorsing key election reform initiatives which will be on your ballot in 2024. Our supporters take action at a local level in a way that best benefits their communities. Whether that is volunteer work, showing up to city council meetings, or simply having meet-and-greets to connect with each other, we are making a difference.
Key 2024 Oregon Initiatives:
These are mission critical!
Rank Choice Voting and STAR Voting - Rank Choice Voting (RCV) will be on your ballot in 2024, and STAR Voting is currently collecting signatures. While Rank Choice Voting may improve our broken voting system, we prefer STAR Voting because it improves on key shortcomings of RCV. Check out the STAR initiative text here: Initiative 12
Campaign Finance Reform - Check out the text of IP-9 Here. They are collecting signatures.
Independent Redistricting - Check out the text of IP-14 Here. They are collecting signatures. Read the summary Here.
Open Primaries - Check out the text of IP-26 Here. Read the summary Here.
Get involved! Take action in your community, meet other Forwardists, volunteer with a local organization!
supporter and volunteer positions
Contact: [email protected]
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petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
petition signature
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petition signature
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petition signature