Dawn Garzia

Total Recruits: 0
I am a Veteran who believes that No Rights can be taken, I believe that ALL voices should be heard and Freedom is Not Free. We as a Nation are Strong Together.
Dawn Garzia's Fundraiser

Let's stop the the Ego's in Washington and show that we are taking control of our Destiny. Support Politicians that will Listen to you and Fight for you. Please Donate to Forward Party and elevate our issues.

i am raising money to select politicians that will listen to our voices and not be deterred by Lobbyist or Big Pharma. I want to elect politicians that are willing to work across the isle on issues that matter and effect our lives daily. Gun Reform, Fair Wages, Health Care, Prescription Drugs, Infrastructure, Voting Rights, Women's Rights, LGBTQ+ Rights, Education, Taxes and Wealth Tax. We as the Majority believe that what is happening in Washington currently is NOT HELPING US. We matter and Hate, Division, Fear and Misogyny has NO PLACE in our Government. We need ACTION not EMPTY PROMISES. It is for this reason that I am supporting Forward Party, you do not have to change your party affiliation you just need to want more for the people and select those that WILL DO just that unlike what we currently have. If you believe in this then I ask you to go to Forward Party and read their Platform and Mission Statement, if agree please join us in truly moving Forward to building a Better America for ALL PEOPLE. 

Donate to the Florida Forward movement via Dawn Garzia