Bobby Henderson
Bobby Henderson's Profile
Bob Henderson was elected to Waynesboro City Council as a Ward C representative in May of 2018, and then served as vice mayor and mayor. During his term, he worked with fellow council members and city staff to address tough issues dealing with stagnant growth in the city, the lack of infrastructure investment, COVID and not properly funding the city government to attract investments by private sector employers and businesses into our community. His key accomplishments include completion of phase one of the high school renovation, approved funding of Waynesboro’s second fire station, charted a path to provide market valued employee pay compensation and approved the funding of Sunset park.
Bobby believes that every issue should have robust and civil conversation to find a solution. This means people for and against must sit at the same table and share their views and solutions. While we will not always agree on everything, we will find common ground and work toward a more productive solution for everyone.