Vanessa Grossl

Kentucky | House District 88, Candidate
Vanessa earned her master’s degree in diplomacy and international commerce and has lived, worked, studied, and traveled in nearly 60 countries around the world
Vanessa Grossl's Profile

Vanessa is a business-minded executive who is a problem solver at heart and enjoys making government work for the people. She worked in local government in Lexington where she opened the city’s first international center and oversaw a number of key community outreach and engagement programs, among other programs. Vanessa is also an active member of her local Rotary Club and Woman’s Club. 

Vanessa grew up in a working class family in Appalachia Kentucky as the daughter of a public school teacher and diesel mechanic. Like so many American families, her family has experienced the devastation of loved ones struggling with opioid addiction and mental health issues. Vanessa believes in building communities from the bottom up and enjoys building bigger tables to include marginalized perspectives, such as the rural voices of her roots. Vanessa takes pride in listening with compassion and seeking mutual understanding. She looks forward to leading on these issues when she gets to the capitol.  

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