When March 26, 2024 at 6:00pm 1 hr
Where google meet
Contact black voters committee [email protected]

Please join us for our first meeting for Black Voters Committee! We are excited for the opportunity to connect with every single one of you and to get your input on the issues that matter to you and to your community.


This will be a google meet event and you will receive the details once you RSVP. We will be hosting the call on March 26th at 6pm. Feel free to invite a friend by sending them the link to RSVP as well. We also ask that you please fill out our survey of the most pressing issues as they pertain to you and your desire to get more involved. Your feedback will help us determine where to delegate resources and will help us determine our key initiatives.


Your voice matters, your vote matters!




MJ Hall Co-Chair Black Voters Committee

Will you come?