February 23, 2023 at 5:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)
3 hrs
The Tilted Barn Brewery (upstairs mezzanine)
One Hemsley Place, Exeter, RI 02822, United States
Join us for a few hours of casual conversation at the Tilted Barn Brewery in Exeter, RI (just a few minutes from rt. 4 and 95). Meet up with both fellow Forwardists and others who are interested to learn more about our activities in Rhode Island - and beyond. We will have some Forward Party Merchandise to raffle off, as well as each person who responds gets 1 free drink ticket. Fantastic local beer available onsite for purchase, and food trucks will be at the location (we will also have pizza). Space is limited to 45 so please be sure to register all attendees. Come join us!
The Tilted Barn Brewery
One Hemsley Place
Exeter, RI 02822
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