Joseph Di Bartolomeo

Florida | Manatee County Commissioner #5, Candidate
Joseph is not receiving support from any major political party. He aims to find common ground across the political spectrum while advocating for quality of life, property rights, and environmental protection.
Joseph Di Bartolomeo's Profile

Joseph is a US-born citizen from New Jersey with a BA in Accounting from Rutgers University and two MBAs from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Finance and Information Technology. From starting in the trucking industry and moving through roles in banking, defense contracting, luxury automotive manufacturing, international finance, and software project management, Joseph has extensive work experience. Joseph also founded several small businesses in consulting, staff augmentation, and trucking. A resident of Tara for 18 years, Joseph has served as a Supervisor on the Tara Preserve CDD for six years, including as Chairman, and is active in local community groups. Joseph is running for County Commissioner in District 5 to bring professionalism and accountability to the Manatee BOCC, representing all citizens regardless of political affiliation. Joseph is a true Forward pioneer when it comes to finding common ground.

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