Deborah Nelson's Profile
I’m originally from the northeast and enjoyed an enchanted childhood full of family, friends, and the enthusiasm of the 1960s. I moved to South Florida way before people started to stay year long and survived its growing pains so far.
I graduated from Florida State University with a degree in music education and added a master’s degree in special education from Nova Southeastern. Always being curious and ready to learn new things, through the years I’ve added skills in music technology along with a grab bag of experiences from teaching English as a Second Language, teaching Italian, and teaching teachers how to reach, and teach severely disabled students through technology and music. Pardon my excitement about having a contribution in a book soon to be published; Improvising Across Abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the Adaptive Use Musical Instrument.
For fun, I helped out with the Coast Guard Auxiliary until we were asked to do searches after the Challenger blew up. I’ve raced cars, sailed, and hiked with the Club Alpino Italiano, though these days cooking, sewing, and gardening at home are a nice break caused by COVID and retiring from a frenetic work schedule. Now, volunteering for the Forward Party seems like the right thing to do in these times. Avanti! (Forward in Italian.)