Devina St Claire
Devina St Claire's Profile
Not left or right but forward is the only way to move our country into an innovative transition from the old way of corruption to the new way, we get to choose those who serve us, and not by some negative TV ad but by what they truly represent from their deeds.
Do they care about the American people or is it all about protecting the interest of the big corporations? Do they care to preserve Democracy, or do they spread lies to try to steal the very thing they pretend to protect for their own self-interest? These are questions we need to ask ourselves before we cast that vote. There is no moving forward until we change the way we previously voted. The two party politics is not working, and we have only ourselves to blame for continuing to go along with it.
We are the change that we wanted to see in the world, if we join forces, going backward will no longer be an option. #FORWARD we go!