So you'd like a clean, professional business card template to offer when you talk to people about Forward. That's great! The tools and templates below have you covered. As is, the template is 90% complete. You just have to add your appropriate state logo and QR code and add your name. Instructions and resources are outlined below.


These instructions can also be found in the “NOTES” section of the Canva Template in the bottom left hand corner of the design window once the template is loaded.

  1. This is the template for FWD business cards.  The card is vertical format at 80x53mm with a 3mm bleed around the edge. 
  2. The placeholder image on the front of the card is for a logo roundel of your choosing (either the national brand or your state logo roundel)
  3. The placeholder image on the back of the card is for your state's QR code.
  4. Both the state roundel and QR are found in the volunteer drive (links below).
  5. To use the placeholder image, on the left hand side is a section called  "UPLOADS" where you will upload a PNG of the roundel you wish to use and your state's QR code. Once the upload is finished, you can drag the roundel or QR from the left panel on top of the placeholder where it will automatically resize itself to fit and remove the placeholder.
    Anywhere you see the {state} bracket you are to fill in your state name or state URL.
  6. To export for printing at your local print shop click on the button in the upper right that says "SHARE", then choose "DOWNLOAD". Now choose the file type as PDF PRINT. 
    Make sure flatten PDF is UNCHECKED, Crop marks and Bleed should be CHECKED. Include notes should be UNCHECKED. Make sure "ALL PAGES" is selected for page output and the color mode is set to RGB. 


Following the instructions above, use these three links to assemble your personal Forward business card.

  • QR Codes:this link will take you to the volunteer drive folder that contains the PNG files for all state page QR codes.
  • State Logos: this link will take you to the volunteer drive folder that contains the PNG files for all state roundel logos.
  • Business Card Template: this link will allow you access to the template. It will prompt you to load a copy of the template into your version of Canva.

Note: if you choose to print these documents, contact your State Leadership for information on in-kind contributions