Join us [date and time TBD] virtually for our inaugural Monthly [Every 1st Thursday] Morning State-Wide Morning Social Chat (bring your favorite breakfast treat and mug of coffee or tea!) to
Introduce yourselves and meet other Marylanders excited about forming a Forward Party in Maryland;
- hear all about what is happening at the Forward Party on a national level;
- the milestones we have to reach to achieve official state party status in 2023,
- get updates about in-person and virtual events in Maryland
- volunteer opportunities and ways that you can get involved
- participate in discussions about the Forward Party
- ask any questions you have!
This is a great opportunity for any new or not-so-new supporters to hear what is happening at the national level and what we are doing on the state level to make the Forward Party in Maryland a reality!
Join us [date and time TBD] virtually for our inaugural Monthly [Every 2nd Monday] State-Wide Evening Vision Chat (bring your favorite night-time snack and drink!] to participate in our thoughtful, interesting and inspiring conversations about some of the ideas behind the Forward Party’s vision. This month we will be discussing [name of topic or idea relevant to Forward [RSVP here link]
Join us [date and time TBD] virtually for our inaugural Monthly [Every 3rd Tuesday] State-Wide Evening Social Chat (bring your favorite night-time snacks and/or drinks!) to
Introduce yourselves and meet other Marylanders excited about forming a Forward Party in Maryland;
- hear all about what is happening at the Forward Party on a national level;
- the milestones we have to reach to achieve official state party status in 2023,
- get updates about in-person and virtual events in Maryland
- volunteer opportunities and ways that you can get involved
- participate in discussions about the Forward Party
- ask any questions you have!
This is a great opportunity for any new or not-so-new supporters to hear what is happening at the national level and what we are doing on the state level to make the Forward Party in Maryland a reality!
Join us [last weekend of the month] at the [in-person event by region starting with MoCo, Frederick and Baltimore]] to meet Forward Party volunteers working towards making the Forward Party in Maryland a reality in 2023!
Stop by and chat with Forward Party volunteers working to form the Forward Party in Maryland and hear more about our plans to give Maryland voters more options on the ballot! We’re excited to meet you and looking forward to talking to you about the Forward Party’s platform, principles and policies!