When May 22, 2023 at 7:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) 2 hrs 30 mins
Where https://twitter.com/HoldenFWDUSA
Join Holden 7pm EST/6pm CST/5pm MST/4pm PST to listen and discuss Forward-related topics such as local party efforts, activism, electoral reform, and other 3rd parties!
Sometimes the event is an open forum where ideas, comments, questions, and criticism of the Forward Party are welcome!
Other times, it more takes the form of a pseudo podcast where we learn about what we can do from Forward Party volunteer leaders and other volunteers.
You never know who might show up - previous guests have included libertarian senate candidate Chase Oliver, Forward House candidate January Walker, and Andrew Yang himself!
Join the Twitter Space by heading over to Holden's Twitter at the event day/time listed above!
Will you come?