When August 11, 2022 at 6:30pm Mountain Time (US & Canada) 1 hr
Contact Kat Bloom [email protected] 303-997-9567

Are you wondering how the Forward Party is different than other political parties?

Are you curious about when Forward Party candidates will be on the ballot?

Are you looking for clarification on how the Forward Party can create change without having a formal or rigid platform? 


If the answer is yes and you have other questions, too, please join us for this 'Question and Answer' formatted event where the Colorado Forward Party State Leadership team will respond to questions from as many attendees as possible. 

The Colorado leadership team believes it's important to hold events like this on a fairly regular basis, especially now, so as the Party works to establish its presence in the political landscape, each citizen can understand how their views align with the Party and explore their concerns in a supportive environment.

This event will be informative for both New Members and existing ones since, as Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, "No man/woman ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river, and he's not the same man/woman."

Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84709019285?pwd=eEJJQWM3QnVkWWhsdnMrekNlZ2JjQT09


We hope that you will join us!


Please note: We are planning for a 1 hr event and will gladly stay an extra half hour if there are more questions.

Will you come?