Brant Yarbrough
Brant Yarbrough's Profile
My entire life I have considered myself Republican surrounded by Republican constituent's. Someone the other day asked me simply "Republican or Democratic?" My answer came way faster than I meant it too and I so easily said "Democratic." This feeling is a new one to me, and it certainly has to do with the Republican's choice of putting a completely loose cannon in charge. I am currently 37 years of age and have found myself in later years having a slightly more liberal point of view. The more I learn about people and their actions I feel that we should all try to be a bit more understanding with them. I certainly feel like a new fresh party is needed, because the left has moved entirely too far t the left, and the right has moved into some incredibly wrong directions. So I definitely want to help not only our country move forward, but help humanity move forward on a global scale. My goals for myself the next few years are me shooting for the stars but I can't do it alone. I towards the end of this year 2025 would like to move to San Francisco Chinatown to learn the language as I obtain a BA in political science from Stanford. After this I hope to move to Shanghai in some sort of official capacity and work on getting a masters degree in Economics. I feel like these things will help me help the whole world the most. And this Forward Political Party is the new fresh start we are all looking for.